Welcome to the NEW inflatedguy Automotive Design Blog!

Im still getting the hang of this blogging lark so expect changes....

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Conceptual Analysis and Thumbnails 001

Well I was asked to design my vision of the new E-class, and like any project looked at the current model, with its single binnacle and central 'info' display. All good but many cars have this now, what is going to distingust this as a Mercedes? Well thats where I begin, This initial doodle was something which initally inspired my thumbnails.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Coming Soon

Well its been a long time in updating this page!
So..... should really start getting some work up on here!.........
After a recent request by Mercedes Benz COMO, I was asked to develop a conceptual interior vision, and instead of showing this to everyone its been sitting in my draw for a while! .....
Yes i know what your saying if im looking for a job now why the hell am I not showing it!?! haha
So im gonna start putting some more stuff on here, as i can see lots of you are coming back and there is nothing NEW! sorry for that!
So as from today ill get some stuff up here for you all to see.